Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Infinity Mickey and gang

Mickey is such a hard character to get right. Even the smallest mistakes can make him look wrong, so adding our own stylistic twist was a challenge. Luckily, we had Jason Kim. I did the version on the left and I was feeling pretty good about how close I came, but then Jason managed to push it further and make him way more appealing at the same time.

I did a version of Minnie, that once again was improved remarkably by a Jason draw-over. My fixed version after the draw-over on the right---I'd include the draw-over but it was a little messier and i'm not sure if Jason wants it shown off :) .
We toyed for a little while with doing Donald and Mickey from the youtube shorts, but the idea didn't even make it to the prototyping phase.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Infinity Marvel Bots

There was a phase early on in the Marvel playsets where there were a lot of concerns about doing violence to toys, which somehow would be mitigated by making those toys: robot toys. Don't ask me why that was believed to make a difference; the ESRB is a very mysterious thing!

So in the Avengers playset we had Chitauri bots, in Guardians of the Galaxy there were Badoon Bots, and in Spider-man there were Hydra Bots. Here are some of my designs for these.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Disney Infinity stuff

I am so sorry to all my friends at Avalanche/Disney for the closing of the studio. It is an unfair thing and the world is worse off for the loss of the contributions you were making to the world of gaming and toys both.
However, there is one good thing about it; everyone can finally start showing the stuff that we were told not to post. I have a lot of art to show. So, so much. Starting with some Star Wars stuff. Stay tuned, more will be coming soon!

Monday, May 09, 2016

Some stuff for Hearthstone

Some things I did for Blizzard I haven't posted yet.

Thursday, May 05, 2016

Designing a character with values

I'm creating lecture slides for the workshop I'm teaching with the IDEA Academy this Summer, and thought I'd share a glimpse of some of the things I'll be teaching. I think there are still seats left if you're interested in attending: