Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Fat Old Man

As a kid I wasn't sure what to think of Santa. I fully supported the idea of a magic guy that distributes presents in the middle of the night. Honestly, that act alone would make me think anyone was awesome. I think that's why I could turn a blind eye to his alleged violations of children's privacy, cookie engorgement, and kissing random kids' moms. And yet I couldn't help but feel nervous any time I was supposed to sit on his lap. Maybe I wasn't so okay with everything after all. Thanks Santa, I'll take the presents, but let's just keep our distance, okay?
Someone requested I post some work-in-progress versions of a painting, so here you go. I was also going to describe why I did things this way, also, but it didn't make any sense so I deleted it. Sorry.

Friday, December 12, 2008


I've heard people complain before about the accuracy of Wikipedia articles. Then when I did some research for the current Avalanche topic, I finally discovered what people are talking about. Wikipedia lies. Aquarius is some cool being of watery power, not some dumb urn-sloshing doofus. I am not in denial.